Monday, January 4, 2010

Getting Started!

Being from the South, I was raised to eat...a lot! All of my meals revolved around a meat with the sides soaked in butter, cheese or milk. To take it a step further, I'm from Louisiana so I have tons of culinary geniuses within arms reach and access to boat loads of local seafood. As tasty as all that sounds...I realized it wasn't the healthiest so I began to search for a better way. I feel across the book series "Skinny Bitch" and my eyes were opened to a whole new world. A year and several other books later, I am taking the plunge into becoming a vegan. The reaction I received from my friends and family after making this announcement didn't really surprise me. Some thought it was an interesting life choice, a few even offered support but MOST were shocked and appalled! Again, being from the South, I am used to everyone sharing their opinion because I'm guilty of it too! =)
I'm starting this blog to prove that you can be a proud Southern Belle while making earth-friendly choices and sticking to a plant-based diet. Follow me as I tweak beloved recipes, find great options at local restaurants and simply enjoy life as a Southern Vegan!


  1. Good luck! Can't wait to see how it goes for you. It's an interesting life to be a vegan in the South!

  2. Good luck, Rachel! I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

  3. I'm so excited I found your blog... I'm in NC and a Southern Belle too! I've had the same reactions from my friends/family. Some even got mad at me. I just have tried to stand my ground and say I am the one eating this way, not them.
