Friday, May 7, 2010

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall...who is the fairest of them all?

Me, Me, Me...pick me! OK, I'm not the "fairest" in the sense that the wicked Queen meant it...but I do have some of the fairest skin ever!

I believe I am an expert in sunburn prevention and the do's and don'ts of sunburn healing! If there is a product, odds are I have tried it! I am currently obsessed with Burt's Bees products....especially their natural sun-care line.

Their sunblock isn't greasy or stinky! It takes a little work to get it really good and rubbed in but it works and is worth the effort! It is 100% natural and chemical-free. Just be careful if you are heading into the water, you will need to reapply after. SPF 30 is the way to go!

Now, if the deed is done and you need a sun soother, look no further! I find that it really cools the skin, especially if you put it in the fridge for a little while before using! Talk about refreshing! This is one of my favorite products because it isn't sticky like most after-sun lotions...and it doesn't smell like fake coconuts! It is 99.5% natural!

A couple summer's ago I got SOOOO burnt that I had really, really bad scars on my shoulders. Nothing I did worked...all because I was too cool to put on sunscreen...dumb! The scars were a constant reminder of my dumbness but I found something that really helped dull them. These homemade products worked for me:

Salt Scrub

1 cup fine sea salt
1/2 cup almond oil (olive oil will work too)
a few drops of your favorite essential oil (I like orange, rose or lavender...depends on my mood!)

Simply take a hand full during your shower or bath and rub into your skin to exfoliate and then rinse off. You could also buy similar products (salt and sugar scrubs) but why when you can make it easily and for a fraction of the cost!

Moisturizing Night Oil

Fill your container half way with either Almond Oil or Sesame Oil (I prefer sesame for night moisturizing)
Pour a few drops of pure Vitamin E Oil
Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil

Apply to skin after shower/bath. Keep in mind that a little goes A LONG WAY!

I purchase all of my oils from Mountain Rose Herbs because the prices are not that bad and the products are of great quality! I'm sure you can also find most oils at Whole Foods or your natural food store.

I love making my own beauty products! If you have recipes, please pass them on!

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