Monday, August 2, 2010

Weekend Project = "New" Nightstands

Chris and I have decided to handle our home renovations in a more organized way...focusing on one room at at time...ingenious, right? Anyway, we started this weekend on our bedroom. We did a little rearranging of furniture, hung drapes and made a few minor purchases. No matter how hard I looked, I just couldn't find nightstands I was pleased with. I did, however, have nasty black ones that I wanted to chunk. SO, I decided to stretch my creative muscles and see if I could make treasure from trash!

We started with two black nightstands with three drawers each.

Since I was moving to colors that were lighter than black...obviously...they were primed first.

To match our bedding, I decided to have the underlying color be a teal blue.

This is after the first coat of yellow. It looks like a crazy bright yellow from these photos, but it is actually a soft color.

After two coats of yellow, I took sandpaper and scuffed them up. Chris then added these new knobs to really bring out the blue underneath.

Here is a better close up of the scuffs.

And here is a sneak peak of our finished product in the bedroom.

When the bedroom is complete, I'll have pics of that too!


  1. so freaking cute! i wish i was creative.

  2. hi! i'm veronica's friend from work - jordan. love your blog!

  3. Thanks ya'll!!! I'm addicted to "shabby-chic" furniture more projects are sure to come!
