Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Detoxing the House!

As Chris and I get ready for the big wedding next weekend (YAY!)...we have started to accumulate TONS of stuff. Our house is sprinkled with wedding favors, gifts, centerpieces, and other craziness! A cluttered house stresses me out so we have decided to "detox" as much as we can now, so when we return from the Honeymoon it is a little easier to get back in the swing of things.

We sorted through our closets as we exchanged summer and winter clothes.  I have been motivated by a friend of mine who is having a "swap party" in June. Basically, a bunch of girls are going to get together with clothes we no longer need, swap if wanted and donate the rest to Goodwill. Fun idea, right! And sooo green! Anyway, it provided me with the great excuse of going through my clothes and getting rid of those "just in case" items. I've been keeping so many things "just in case" in comes back in style or "just in case" I get back down to that size...not anymore!

Next, we headed to the kitchen where we have so many things we don't need! Especially now that we don't eat meat. There isn't a ton of storage in our kitchen, so this was WAY overdue. Bye Bye plastic cups from various restaurants we haven't been to in years...see you later nasty plastic plates that Chris obtained in college! It was such a great feeling to box all that up and ship to Goodwill! None of it is horrible...we just had WAY too much...and I'm trying to have a grown-up kitchen now with things that match, so it was necessary!

We are hoping to get to the rest of the house soon. Hope ya'll had successful spring cleaning sessions as well!

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