Friday, May 14, 2010

Sweet as Suga!

one lump or two?

None for me, thanks!

In preparations for the big wedding, I've tried to eat a little better to help my skin, hair, stress level and, of course,  fatty-patty-ness. It started off going really well...and then the stress really kicked in and it went south a bit. But with two weeks out, I'm going to power through!

The first thing to cut back on is white processed sugar. The stuff is just gross anyway. Aside from having absolutely NO nutritional value, it is quite addictive and consuming loads of it can eventually lead to depression and unwanted jiggly parts! You would think moving to sugar substitutes, like Splenda, would be a good combat because they are low to no calories, better for your teeth and blood sugar levels but I urge you to STEP AWAY FROM THE NASTY CHEMICALS! Without getting into too many nagging details, just remember artificial is artificial is artificial....would you eat a fake piece of fruit? Then why would you eat fake sugar? The good news is...there is another, natural, healthier way...

Stevia is a naturally sweet herb native to Paraguay that is, literally, hundreds of times sweeter than you use and consume less! It has no calories and has no effect on blood sugar levels. Used in moderation, it can be a great aid to diets and the health-conscious. Most use it to lighten coffees and teas but it can also be used for cooking and baking. I actually found a bunch of Stevia options at Wal-Mart, of all places! Trust me when I say...a little goes a long way! I only use 1/2 a packet at a time because it is so deliciously sweet!

I'm enjoying a nice cup of hot green tea with a pinch of stevia now and yum! Be jealous!

1 comment:

  1. Rach - we bought a ton of Stevia packets when KP did Atkins. He hated them, but lucky for you, we have a TON of the little packets. You want them? They're yours!
