Wednesday, December 22, 2010

{Made with Love} Wine Bottle Tops

I love the blog Skip to my Lou! They share the cutest homemade gift ideas...including this next "made with love" Christmas gift! These bottle tops are a little time-consuming but I think they will be a hit! (The ones on Skip to my Lou are way cuter than mine...but I'm ok with it!)

1 1/2" wood ball knobs
acrylic paint of your choice
clear varnish
bottle corks
gorilla glue

To allow your paint to coat easier, first prime your wooden ball knobs. Once completely dry, give your knobs a base coat. I went with Christmas Red and Green colors for my bases. Depending on your paint, you may need additional coats for the background color.

Once the background is completely dry, go to town with your design! Since I was doing so many at once, I decided to keep it simple with polka dots.  I wish I would have read the Skip to my Lou post a little closer, because the tip to use a wooden dowel is genius...that would have made everything easier!

And, once your design is completely dry, varnish away. I used two coats of varnish because I wanted these knobs extra shiny!

Lastly, once the varnish is completely dry, get out your gorilla glue and your corks. I found it easier to put a thin layer of the glue on the cork and then stick it to your knob. Keep in mind that this glue expands around 3-4 times. So, as the glue expanded, I lightly pressed the cork to the knob to ensure that the cork was right against the knob when it was finally dry. This glue is major so be careful!

Once the glue is done to friends!