Thursday, January 7, 2010

Beans, Beans they're good for your heart....

the more you eat them, the more you....gross, anyway, you get the picture.

Being a lady, especially a Southern lady, the passing of undesirables isn't a topic I am comfortable discussing publically. However, with every book and blog I read pushing beans for every meal...concern wins. I found some tips online to combat and prevent the nastiness associated with beans. I've tried almost all of them with surprising success!

1. Skip the convenience factor of canned beans and go for the dry ones. Soak them overnight in water and then chunk it when you are ready to cook them. Make sure to cook the beans until they are soft. If you must use canned beans, rinse and drain them before cooking.

2. When cooking beans, scoop out that foam that tends to build on the water's surface. That seemingly innocent foam is full of gas bubble producers

3. Drink plenty of liquids. This is just a good tip all around.

4. Eat slowly, chew your food thoroughly and don't over eat. Also a good tip all around. My gal pal Alicia (ok, not really....but it is more fun to mention her that way!), suggests chewing each mouthful 30 times become consuming. I have been trying this and you REALLY have to think about it and your jaw will start off sore due to the new exercise. But I noticed that since I have started this technique, I eat a lot slower and less because I get full faster. Hot body here I come!

5. Take a walk after meals. Apparently mild exercise helps with digestion. I'll have to start this technique when it isn't 400 below outside! =)

Anway, last night Chris and I enjoyed leftovers, so nothing new to report! Enjoy the day!

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I know, I talk about Alicia all the time too like she's my BFF. Are you on thekindlife? I love how she posts and replies to threads, etc. I really do think she is my friend... and reading The Kind Diet (maybe because I watched Clueless only a thousand times in my life) I could imagine her talking just to me! I want to look like Alicia she's the best!
