Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Discovering Daikon

While strolling through the Southside Produce Market the other day, I noticed a white, oversized carrot looking vegetable with a funny name I recognized in a few of the books I had read...Daikon. Since it was only $0.79lb, I grabbed one for experimenting. After a quick Google search for more info, this is what I found out about this magical little veggie:

Daikon is a Japanese white radish that aids digestion and is considered a weight loss remedy in Asia. It contains diuretics and decongestants. So...regular use of daikon helps prevent the common cold, flu and respiratory infections. This restorative vegetable also has anti-carcinogenic properties...which is huge considering so many of the processed products we use and eat daily contain carcinogens! To add to its wonder...certain recipes containing daikon can treat hangovers while promoting weight loss! Ummm....thanks daikon! You are my hero!

Since I have been known to be a ninny, I wanted to try this wonder-veggie in a safe meal. So last night Chris and I had a chunky spaghetti with all sorts of goodness in it! The following recipe is not a culinary masterpiece but we liked enjoy!

Chris and Rachel's Quick and Easy Everything Spaghetti

Whole Grain Spaghetti
Extra-Firm Tofu
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 medium sized yellow onion
1 green bellpepper
1 medium sized daikon
a few garlic cloves
salt/pepper to taste
pinches and shakes of your favorite Italian herbs (we used Oregano, Thyme, Basil, Parsley)
1 jar premade sauce (we used Bertolli's Organic Tomato Basil)

Heat a few tablespoons of EVOO in a large skillet over medium heat. Chop up your tofu into cubes (sized at your preference) and toss them into the skillet. Go ahead and add your Italian Herbs and salt/pepper. The tofu will start to absorb those wonderful flavors! As your tofu works in the skillet, chop up your onion, bellpepper, daikon and garlic cloves. Add each separately to the tofu mix, stirring and allowing all to sauté a bit. Feel free to season as much or as little between each addition as you feel fit.

Look how beautiful it looks here:

Look how much fun Chris is having!

While all the magic is happening in the skillet, you should be multi-tasking with the whole-grain spaghetti noodles in your pasta pot. Once the noodles are to the tenderness of your preference, drain and add your tofu mix with the jar of your sauce.

Stir, let cool a bit, and ENJOY!

(Photo disclaimer: I was about to head to yoga so I look gross!)

As you can tell, we had a blast! Feel free to add any veggies you wish to this dish and I'm sure it will be amazing! It was an easy way to get to know daikon and I can't wait to try it in another dish where it can shine a bit more!

Enjoy the day!


  1. I'm gonna be such a dork right now, but I looked down and realized I'm wearing the same shirt you are in that pic! LOL! I'm not a huge tofu person, but I must admit that looks pretty good.

  2. ha ha ha! Tha is hilarious!

    Try Tofu Tacos (just brown it up like you would do beef in the Taco Seasoning) or Tofu Stirfry (just add it to your bag of frozen veggies and saute)

    I wasn't a big fan until those meals!
