Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Swheat Stuff!

This is my kitty Lola. She looks ashamed, because she is. She doesn't really care about the environment...let me share...

The blessing and curse of having a cat is the litter box. They make potty-training a piece of cake, you don't have to let them outside to do their business, you know exactly where to go to clean up after them...easy. My issue comes with the litter...traditional clay litter is incredibly toxic, made with fragrances and chemicals, and creates a dust that nearly kills me each time I empty or scoop. PLUS, more than 2 million tons of this non-biodegradable cat litter ends up in landfills each year. GROSS!

I have tried eco-friendly options to no avail! Lola is a bit of a diva...she lets me know when she isn't pleased and it is disgusting. I tried Yesterday's News, made from recycled newspapers. No dice! I tried Feline Pine, made from pine. No dice! Recently, however, I purchased Swheat Scoop...and so far, so good!


Swheat Scoop is made from wheat, which is safe for both kitties and their humans. The litter's natural wheat enzymes safely neutralize odor. It is clay and chemical free, so no dust! I found it locally at Wal-Mart, so it is easy to find and the price isn't ridiculous. And, best of all, Lola hasn't noticed yet! Woo Hoo!

I have seen other reviews mentioning that it is difficult to scoop and that the cats are confused by the smell of wheat...do we pee in it or eat it??? We have been using it for about a week and no issues like that yet.

Now, those that know me know that we actually have two kitties. Mr. Kitty isn't as high-maintenance as Lola. He is a little older, a little wiser...but still adorable!


Have you had similar issues? Let me know how you handle it!


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