Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Ultimate Kid's Meal

Now, we know we aren't kids...but Chris and I like to eat like them sometimes. Last night, Chris and I enjoyed the quick and easy meal of "Hot Dogs and Mac and Cheese".

The "hot dogs" are Yves Jumbo Meatless Hot Dogs. Yves Veggie Cuisine has tons of meatless products but I've only tried their meatless dogs and jumbo meatless dogs. It is almost odd how much they taste like traditional hot dogs. I have found them at both Whole Foods and Wal Mart for decent prices.

Those "dogs" paired with a whole wheat bun, organic ketchup, organic sweet relish and vegenaise (yeah, I know that is gross to put on a hot dog but WHATEVER...I like it!)...YUM!

The shells and cheese is a Road's End Organics product and taste right on track with the real thing! Odds are, if you switched it up for the family, they would have no idea it is dairy free! I also found this product at  Whole Foods.

Now, I'm aware this isn't the healthiest or most fresh vegetarian dinner out there. But for an evening where we are a little strapped for time and need something simple and quick...this was perfect!

(DISCLAIMER: I didn't eat all of this!)

What is your quick dinner fix?

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